Tandon Productions Announces Sponsor

Tandon Productions proudly announces the newest addition to their family of shows. SPONSOR, an irreverent comedy, follows the Golden family as patriarch Sam attempts his road to recovery. If getting sober wasn't hard enough, he's paired with an unusal sponsor: the ghost of his recently departed mother, Mia. Creator by Marissa Tandon (Super Ordinary, [...]

Tandon Productions Announces Sponsor2019-10-06T11:44:29-07:00

Tandon Productions Announces His Royal Fakin Highness

Tandon Productions is thrilled to announce their newest Audio Fiction project, His Royal Fakin' Highness (HRFH). This modern day, romantic comedy re-imagining of Shakespeare's Hamlet asks what would have happened if Ophelia had conspired with Hamlet to retake his rightful place on the throne. As they stage an engagement in the wake of the King's death, these [...]

Tandon Productions Announces His Royal Fakin Highness2019-10-06T11:14:32-07:00
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